Protecting the environment – Agency for Co-operative Housing

This world is the only one we have. Investing in sustainability will save your co-op money and protect future generations too.

Check out ideas from the Agency, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada and others that will help reduce your co-op’s footprint. Investments that pay returns to the environment could also pay returns to your co-op.

Notes towards a Woodsworth Environmental Policy

Woodsworth doesn’t yet have an environmental policy. One of the seven principles of co-operation is concern for community. While focusing on member needs, co-operatives work for the sustainable development of their communities through policies approved by their members.

A model environmental sustainability policy from CHFC.

Final Green Roof Survey Results, March 2013

In January and February 2013 the Environment Committee conducted a survey to get  input from members on current and future use of the rooftop and green roof options. This was a follow up to an initial survey done in 2010 when the committee started working on plans.

A total of 87 members responded and almost everyone plans to use the rooftop in the future.  Over half of the members who responded expressed interest in gardening on the rooftop.

Detailed survey responses are available here: Survey Results Final