Board Agenda Setting Procedure (published 2019)


We would like to let members know about the Agenda setting process for board meetings. Regular board meetings are scheduled every other Wednesday of the month. Directors receive a board package (prepared by staff) on the Friday before the meeting, five days in advance; the packages include the materials needed for each Agenda item. Directors need to receive the board package several days in advance because the packages contain a lot of detailed information which needs to be carefully considered.

The deadline for the board Agenda is Wednesday at 5pm, two days before the packages are delivered to the directors on Friday evening. Staff need the two days to gather, assemble and distribute the packages. In other words, the Agenda for a board meeting is set one week before a board meeting is held.

Also please keep in mind that if a board meeting runs too long, agenda items may be deferred to the next meeting.

Contacting the Board: 

As you can see from the section above on Agenda setting, we are in many ways rather slow moving. In some circumstances by contacting the board first, the resolution of an issue is actually delayed because we only meet twice a month. So please contact the office first if it’s a matter of urgency. Of course we will always get back to you but acting quickly is not our forte.

Thank you – Board of Directors